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A.L. Aborn lives in southern New Hampshire with her dog, Meekah, and family.  Nurse by day and writer by night, she has always loved both caring for others and books. Her first literary loves were the The Chronicles of Narnia, by C.S. Lewis, followed by The Lord of the Rings, by J.R.R. Tolkien.  This quickly opened the door to voraciously reading everything she could get her hands on. She started writing at the age of eleven (poetry & short stories) but started dreaming of writing a novel in her teens. Her first published book was released 1/19/20, with plans for many more. 


A great animal lover, A.L. Aborn takes her lovable dog, Meekah, with her wherever she can. Meekah also plays a role in her first book, 'A Girl Betrayed.' 


A.L. Aborn finds inspiration in her dreams, her loved ones, and the great outdoors. Camping, hiking, kayaking, fishing, and traveling are high among her favorite things to do.  


Check back again (and often!) for book updates and blog posts about what she's been up to!

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